When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them (Matt 9:36a)
June 14th, 2020 Lisa and the kids make fun of me because our house is sort of like that scene in Disney’s Fantasia in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice segment, where Mickey has stolen the magician’s hat and conjured up hundreds, maybe thousands of brooms and buckets to clean up the water, and they’re everywhere, out of control, running amok—only at our house it’s not brooms—it’s my books. They’re everywhere, out of control, running amok. I love books. One of my favorites I found many years ago at a used bookstore in Iowa. It’s called Crabb’s English Synonymes , and it was first published in 1816; my copy is the “new” revised edition from 1917. This book is not exactly a dictionary and not exactly a thesaurus; its goal is to explore the subtle and sometimes very important nuanced differences in words we commonly use in a similar way. I’d like to do that sort of exploration with you now. In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew chapter 9, we hear that “when Jesus saw the crowds, he ha...