
Showing posts from June, 2021

God's Co-workers

Proper 7B: 1 Sam 17:32-49, Psalm 9:9-20, 2 Cor 6:1-13, Mark 4:35-41 Lectionary Page Here But David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts…” (1 Samuel 17:45a) Ann, Ann, Ardie, Barb, Barb, Barbara, Becky, Bill, Bob, Bobby, Carol, Claudianna, Connie, Dan, Debbie, Denise, Doug, Doug, Erin, Gayle, George, Gina, Harry, Ibby, Jan, Jeanne, Jennifer, Jessica, John, Judi, Julie, Kathy, Kris, Kris, Lana, Lauri, Linda, Linda, Lisa, Luann, Matt, Michael, Michelle, Nancy, Nola, Pam, Pat, Patrice, Patrice, Patti, Peggy, Phyllis, Rob, Rosey, Sam, Sandra, Sandra, Sandy, Sandy, Sarah, Sooz, Sue, Susan, Terry, Vivienne , Will. (And I’m sure I have left some people out, so I apologize for that.) These people are part of a modern-day David-and-Goliath story. The ancient David went out to do battle with Goliath, the seemingly unconquerable, brutal, powerful giant, and toppled him with just a few small stones he put into ...