
Proper 9B, Mark 6:1-13 "And Jesus was astounded at their lack of faith." When was the last time you were astonished? I mean really astonished? Maybe it will help you answer my question to think about astonishment compared to things like wonder and surprise and amazement . You might wonder about something you don’t quite yet understand, or you might see a wonder of nature while your on vacation. Wonder is not all that far out of the ordinary, really. You are surprised at something you didn’t expect—a birthday party, someone jumping out and yelling “boo!” You are momentarily surprised, and then things are back to normal. You are amazed —your thoughts literally caught in a tangle, a maze, when you see or hear something that just doesn’t make sense. All of those things happen pretty regularly for me…but astonishment? Literally, the root of the word astonishment means thunderstruck —“out of a clap of thunder.” So, when was the last time you were thunderstruck…so shocked by som...