Fear Not!
Peace I
leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world
gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid (Easter 6C, John 14:23-29).
peace of the Lord be always with you…[“And also with you.”] We say this every
week, don’t we? Do you remember where exactly in the liturgy this
happens?...Right at the beginning of the service of Holy Communion. Right at
the start of the celebration of the Sacrament of Christ’s on-going presence. Jesus
promises us his presence in today’s Gospel reading, and he promises to send us
the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to teach us and remind of what Jesus has said to
us. What is it that Jesus has said to
us? One of the first things that comes to mind is Jesus’ summary of the law: “love
God, love your neighbor as yourself.” The second thing might be what we call
the Great Commission: “Go to all the world, making disciples and teaching.” But
you know, based on number of occurrences, can you guess, throughout both the New and Old
Testaments, in all of Scripture, what is the one thing that God says to us more
times than anything else? How many of you vote for “do not sin?” Well, lucky
for me, and probably for us all, you’re wrong! I counted, and almost twice as many times as Scripture
says “do not sin,” Scripture says…“do not fear.” Over and over again, to
Abraham when he answered the call and left his homeland, to the Israelites as they
ran in terror from Egypt’s army through the sea, to Mary when she learned she
would bear the Messiah, to the shepherds in the fields who saw the angelic choir,
to the disciples…and to us, today. “Fear not: through you, all the peoples of
the world will see my light. Fear not: I go before you, beside you, and behind
you. Fear not, you are full of grace. Fear not, I give you my peace. Fear not: I
am with you always.”
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I made
these because I think the most pernicious threat to our faith and life as
Christians today is fear. My proposal to you is that the opposite of
faith is not unbelief, it’s fear. It’s not unbelief that keeps us from
being disciples, it’s fear. Walk through almost any public space, and many
offices, this week, and you’ll find a never-ending proclamation of doom from
one broadcast media channel or another; Look at any of the feeds on your social
media sites, and you see an endless stream of posts and stories trying to trigger
your adrenaline response and fill you with fear. Twenty-four-seven, 365, we see
and hear messages intended to frighten us: from resistant viruses, to terrorist
threats and attacks, to financial ruin, to natural disasters, to supposed destruction
of our democracy from the left or the right. These messages are clear: “You are
in danger… Be very afraid.” Jesus’ promise of his peace and the Holy Spirit’s
guiding was in response to this same kind of fear.
When we
fear, we tighten our grip and close our minds, our hands, and our hearts. As a
result, we become uncharitable, inhospitable, and unchristian. This is the
richest and most powerful country the world has ever known—richer and more powerful than the Kingdom of Israel
ever was, even than Rome in Jesus' time. And yet, we are so consumed by our fears that when I say that God commands
us—in more than 50 different places in the Bible—to find ways to open our
hearts and have compassion for the immigrants and strangers in our land—it is heard
by everyone as a partisan statement. The more we allow our lives to be shaped
by fear, the easier it becomes to love the things of this world that falsely
claim to provide safety—rather than to love God, in whom we live and move and
have our very being. I think it’s just as accurate to say, instead of “where
your treasure is, there is your heart also,” to say, “where your safety from fear is,
there is your heart also.”
“I give
you my
peace…stop being afraid.” Jesus said this just after he had washed the feet of Judas
Iscariot—his friend and disciple who would then leave the upper room to go and
betray him...Jesus said this just after he had predicted that his friend and
disciple, Peter—the Rock—would deny him three times. The peace that Jesus
gives, he says, different from the peace the world gives. What does that mean?
Well, when I think of the worldly peace, I think of calm, quiet moments free
from conflict. But Jesus was heading straight into conflict—even torture and
death. And he knew that many of his disciples would find the same thing. I
wonder if it is peace in the midst of conflict that Jesus
gives, peace that enters into conflict—confident, not in an easy outcome, but
confident in God’s eternal love and God’s constant presence.
makes us feel vulnerable, exposed, and weak. We hear things like “face your
fears,” and “overcome your fears,” and “be brave”—but those are misguided
because the antidote to fear isn’t bravery—it’s trust. In the face of danger,
violence, persecution, and even death, God says, “Do not fear.” Psalm 27 says,
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the
stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” To pick an obvious, recent
example: It wasn’t bravery that enabled Martin Luther King, Jr., to continue on
his mission of justice in the face of threats of racial violence and even death—it
was faith in God and it was the peace of Jesus, the peace that passes
understanding. We’re bombarded minute by minute with alarmist media trying to
convince us the world around us is on fire—our response as Christians must not
be to run or hide or barricade ourselves in fear—our response must be to find
our strength in the peace of Jesus. We are God’s “First Responders,” running in,
following right behind our Savior, Jesus, to rescue and heal and bind up wounds. As Christians, we know
that nothing this world offers can ever keep us safe and secure: not our money, not our 401K, not our insurance, not our vitamins and treadmills, not our alarm systems, and
not even our guns—only our God. And we need never fear losing our God, because
through the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus have come to us and made their home with
us. Through Jesus, we are given peace that can never die.
promised the Holy Spirit not as a private companion to each disciple, not as
our own personal bodyguard, but as an abiding presence in the believing
community—in this believing community. The Holy Spirit lives and moves among us, and a Spirit-filled community
is God’s cure for our individual—and society's—fears and anxieties. As we support each other and
the world through hardships and sickness and joys and baptisms and funerals and
weddings, as we bring hope and God’s love to each other and to our neighbors and to our city and to
our world, we share and spread the life-giving and healing power of the peace of the Holy
Spirit. We help teach the world that faith and a loving community, rather than
fear and armaments, is the only path to peace. So this week, please take my little poster home and
remember: “fear not.”
prayer for us all this week is that the peace of God, which passes all
understanding, will keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God;
that Jesus the Son of God will be the light in our darkness, banishing all darkness from our paths and all fear from our hearts, and that the Holy Spirit will be our
advocate, our counselor, and our guide, filling us with all hope and peace in
believing…The peace of the Lord be always with you…[“And also with you.”] Amen.
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