Parable of the Talents: I Don't Think This Parable Means What You Think It Means

 For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance (Matt 25:29a).
(Proper 28A readings here.)

 Today’s sermon starts with a trivia lesson: Our English word “talent” comes to us from this parable of Jesus. In his time, a “talent” was about 75 pounds of silver. This was its only meaning until about the 14th century. After that time, the definition slowly expanded and eventually came to mean “natural ability,” the way we use it today. This passage is clearly appointed for this last Ordinary Sunday, the Sunday before Christ the King and then Advent 1, because this is the end not just of autumn, but of “pledging season.” It’s a natural fit, don’t you think—faithful servants rewarded for investing their master’s gift and giving back double, and an unfaithful servant who does nothing and is cast away with weeping and gnashing of teeth. The typical message from this is pretty straightforward: fill out your pledge cards generously!

However, I’m going to let you off the hook today, because I wonder if that traditional interpretation of the parable of the talents, in the service of church budgeting, is maybe not the right interpretation.

Let’s start at the beginning: It says, “the master entrusted his property to his servants”—all his property and possessions, it means…we might say, “his estate.” A single talent was worth 6,000 denarii, and a denarius was a day’s wage, so one talent was the equivalent of 16 years of pay, and five talents were worth 80 years of pay, a lifetime of pay…it was a fortune for these servants. When the master returned, the first two servants had doubled his money. In biblical times just as now, doubling an investment means what they did was probably pretty risky—or very shady. What would the master have done if their risky scheme had lost all of the estate?...His response to the third servant makes me wonder if he might be more concerned with their effort than for the safety of his money…

This third servant buried his money because he was afraid. This was a good, safe plan, and when the master returned, this servant dug it up and gave it back. “‘Master,” he said, “I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.” Now if you remember the story about sowing and reaping a bit earlier in Matthew, in chapter 13…this third servant got it completely wrong: The seed was sowed everywhere—good soil, rocky soil, thorny soil—the reality is exactly the opposite of what this third slave claimed—the master sows indiscriminately, everywhere, and, instead of reaping where he didn’t sow, he actually sowed where he didn’t reap.

So, the master was furious, and called this servant wicked and lazy! In fact, the master here has some of the harshest words in Matthew: “For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” That doesn’t sound like Gospel Good News, does it? “To all those who have, more will be given…from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away?” That sounds more like some big investment bank on Wall Street!

We heard this same phrase from Jesus, again back in that parable of the sower in chapter 13: “For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away (13:12). And that word “abundance,”…”they will have an abundance” that we hear in both of these passages, that same word is used two other places in Matthew, in the stories of feeding the 5,000 and feeding the 4,000: there was an abundance of left-over bread and fish in the baskets. Those who have, will have in abundance…

John Buchanan, editor and publisher of the magazine Christian Century, says:

The point here is not really about doubling your money and accumulating wealth. It is about living. It is about investing. It is about taking risks. It is about Jesus himself and what he has done and what is about to happen to him [on the Cross—about the master who gives all for his servants]…It is about what [Jesus] hopes and expects of [us] while he is [not here]. It is about being a follower of Jesus and what it means to be faithful to Jesus, and so, finally, it is about you and me. The greatest risk of all, it turns out, is to not  risk anything, to not care deeply and profoundly enough about anything to invest deeply [and profoundly, to [not] give your heart away and in the process risk everything. The greatest risk of all, it turns out, is to play it safe, to live cautiously and prudently.


What happens to those who play it safe, either because of fear or laziness? Not just in today’s parable, but six times in Matthew, stories about rejecting abundance and joy and faith end with warnings about being cast out with “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Six times!  This is the last of those times, today, and with so much repetition, I wonder if there must be  something there we’re supposed to pay attention to:

·         The first time we here it, a Roman centurion came to Jesus saying his servant was paralyzed at home, and he knew Jesus didn’t need to come, but “only speak the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus marvels at this man’s faith and says that many will come from far away to feast in the kingdom of heaven, but those who “should” be there will find darkness, weeping, and gnashing of teeth (8:12).

·         In the parable of the weeds among the wheat, the weeds are allowed to grow with the wheat (“the children of the kingdom”), but at harvest the weeds (those who are not “children of the kingdom”) are thrown in to the furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (13:42).

·         After the three parables of treasure hidden in a field, finding a pearl of great value, and the net full of good and bad fish, the bad will be separated from the good and thrown into the furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (13:50).

·         In the parable of the wedding banquet, those originally invited by the king never showed up and so the king brought everyone in from the streets, good and bad. When the king finds someone there who refused to join the party and put on the festive wedding robes provided, the king says, “Throw him into darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (22:13).

·         In the parable of the faithful and unfaithful servant, the master finds the faithful one hard at work when he returns, but the other he finds abusing the other servants, and the master says, “put him with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (24:51).

These stories are not about tithing and pledging; they are about life—abundant life—about receiving abundant life and giving back by living an abundant life, a life that recognizes the outpouring and overflowing of God’s gifts. Remember the rich young man who came to Jesus saying he tithed and kept all the commandments, the one who walked away sadly because Jesus, loving him, said the one thing he lacked was to give it all up and follow? Remember the pharisee who tithed and thanked God that he was not like the sinful tax collector, who actually was the one who went home justified by God. Remember the rich donors with their loud demonstration of giving in the temple, who gave nothing compared to the poor widow’s two pennies? Faithful and abundant living is not about the percent you give to the church, it is about knowing that everything you’ve been given is a gift, given by a master who himself gave all, and it is about trusting enough to risk giving it away yourself, and in losing it, finding even more abundance. “To those who have, even more will be given.”

These stories are also about a life lived in wakeful, constant, expectation and effort, tending to the master’s estate entrusted to our care. We all have real choices to make, every day, about whether we should play it safe. Every day, every minute, what we do and what we say shapes our lives and shapes the world around us. In Thessalonians today St. Paul says we “are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness…Let us … put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation…Therefore encourage one another and build up each other” (5:5-11).

So, sure, I hope you filled out your pledge cards generously—but so much more, I hope you will remember that our master has given us everything he has, even his life. Our master has invited us to the wedding feast, to the joyful banquet—we just need to show up. Our master has sowed the seed of his Word in our hearts—they just need to be watered. The Good News is that we are all loved abundantly, beyond time and beyond measure. My prayer for us this week is that we will take the risk with the fortune we’ve been given, that we will choose to live abundantly and hopefully, that we will trust enough to be the children of light, to give back all of our selves, and in so doing, we, to, will find that, “to those who have, even more will be given.”



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