Vaccination site effect: tears

A moment filled with conflicting emotions today as I get the COVID-19 vaccination at NEMed...Gratitude for all those who made it happen and for my fellow front-line workers...Hope for the future and widely available vaccine for everyone and an end to this...Horror for all the pain and sorrow and death I and all of us have witnessed...Grief for all the patients and families we have offered comfort to when comfort is not to be found...Frustration and disbelief as I see that there have been 1.5 million new cases and 18,500 deaths in the past seven days and still there are so many denying all this tragedy...Anger as I see so many still not doing the simple act of caring for neighbor and stranger and wearing masks... So many feelings, going in so many directions...I find today that the unanticipated, biggest side effect of getting the vaccine is not tenderness in my arm, but the flow of tears.


  1. So many emotions. But the greatest of these is - Hope for the future.


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